Payment Method
- Please select this payment option during order checkout
- You may pay by the payment detail provided at checkout or the QR code below
- To let us identify your order, please send the payment proof page to us at +852 5722 4239 (this is not the number used for our PFS account though)
- Please select this payment option during order checkout
- You may pay by the payment detail provided at checkout or the QR code below
- To let us identify your order, please enter the invoice number (INV# ) at the PayMe payment page or send the payment proof page to us at +852 5722 4239 (this is not the number used for our PayMe account though)
Payment link:

Mastercard, VISA card
- Please select this payment option during order checkout
- To protect both customer's and Comfily's benefits, we will notify you in case of fraud risk or other security suspension